Event 1: What do maps tell you about themselves?

Map Series published by large organizations use a standardized style, but lots of details hide beneath the surface.
All geographic information must be located in all three reference systems:

  • Spatial Reference System (coordiantes, eventually connecting to latitude, longitude - the shape of the Earth).
  • Attribute Reference Systems (mostly highly variable, since theme varies)
  • Temporal Reference System (often weak in mapping)
  • Procedure:

    Obtain two maps: I suggest one quadrangle from US Geological Survey (anywhere, any date), and one from some other series (could be nautical chart, topographic quadrangle from another country, etc.) The Map Library (and its dumpster) is a wonderful resource for this.
    Look over these maps, and answer these questions as fully as you can but do not take more than one page for the whole response (this is not a term paper).

    A. How are is each map located in each kind of reference system?

     Map 1

      Map 2

    B. Are there multiple reference systems (which one is primary)?

    C. How is the quality of the data described?

    D. Is the map reader given a role in the mapping process?

    Due 16 Jan 2004